Our first tip is to download and become familiar with the QBO Accounting mobile app. Add it to your existing expense workflow. The QBO app is perfect for on-the-go receipt management for busy home inspectors. Tired of trying to keep track of crumpled-up and faded receipts? Enter receipts and expenses straight from the field. Once uploaded, we handle verification, categorization, and reconciliation for you. A video tutorial is below and available in our Client Resources playlist. I recommend holding on to receipts for three years as a backup to your QBO file. A secure physical location or a cloud-based account works as long as the receipts are accessible in case of an audit.
Need help setting up QBO receipt forwarding or navigating the QBO mobile app? Contact us and we’ll walk you through the process. Have a topic you’d like us to discuss? Let us know.
1 https://money.cnn.com/magazines/fsb/fsb_archive/2007/02/01/8399932/index.htm